Friday, May 29, 2009
Tahoe Send Off Party - Thursday 5/28/09 We had our send off party for the Tahoe team last night. Coach
Marc gave me two awards; Most Improved Rider and Most TNT Training Ride Miles at 650 miles with TNT this season.
Coach Marc gave out lots of awards with homemade certificates which is his way, some were very funny and all were heartfelt.
Many thanks to all of my coaches, I have really come a long way from where I started and could not have done it without you.
I want to thank all of our Honored Teammates as well, our Mentor Clare, and, of course, Gail for putting it all together.
We also received our official event TEAM jerseys and our itinerary's for next weekend. Packed up our
bicycles for Transport to Tahoe, enjoyed some food and a video that Coach Marc prepared showing our progress over the last
6 months. The file is too big to email to everyone, even after many attempts to compress it down, so please click on
the link above and download to view. 
Getting Excited Now! 1 week to the Big Event!
Go Team!
12:01 pm est
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Weekend Training Rides 5/23/09 & 5/24/09Saturday, May 23,
Coach Marc decided on a 55 mile ride starting
at his place followed by a BBQ. He invited the SNJ team as well as the Montauk riders to join us.
It was a blast. It was good to ride with my Montauk teammates again, and we’ve all pretty
much decided to keep in touch over the summer and get together both to ride and just to socialize.
Coach Marc plans great routes.
He took us back up into the Sourland Mountains, only this time we climbed up the back side of Lindbergh and came down
the hill to stop at Peacocks. The back side climb was challenging as well, but the downhill on Lindbergh
is preferable over climbing up that hill.
We did a climb on a road called Long Hill, very appropriately named which Marc told me later was a lot like Spooner
will be in Tahoe, only shorter. I’ve heard so many things about the Spooner climb at mile 80 in Tahoe.
I hear the grade is not too bad but it goes on forever or at least for 6-8 miles and, of course, it’s at mile
80 or thereabouts, so it’s going to be tough.
I noticed my legs were not screaming at me as a result of me raising my seat, and I think I like the
change. I also moved my seat back about ½ inches and I’m not sure I like that change as much
as it causes me to rest differently on the saddle. It’s something to get used to before I make a
final decision on whether or not to move it again. I do think I need to raise my handlebars a bit though,
as I noticed I was leaning a little too low. Overall, though, I think I prefer the sizing changes.
In addition to the leg extension changes, the seat adjustment allowed me to bend a little more at the hip causing less
strain on my lower back. I have no residual soreness or tightness today in my shoulders. I think that with
just a minor adjustment on the handlebars I’ll be much more comfortable on the bicycle. I finished the 55 miles
at a respectable 13.5 mph average for me, slightly faster than my normal averages, so I think I'm OK.
The Montauk team told us about the pouring
rain during their century ride last Sunday and how the victory party was a bit anti climatic, and I felt bad for them for
that. They wished us luck at our event in two weeks and everyone agreed on a reunion ride and a get together
sometime for the end of June.
We turn our bikes in to the trucking company this coming Thursday for the transport to Lake Tahoe, so the few short
rides I’ll get this week by myself will be it for my training. Next week, since I don’t have
a second bike will be mostly gym work outs just to keep me flexible and then on 6/4/09 I’m off to Tahoe for my very
first century ride.
I feel good, I feel ready, and I feel
I want
to say “Thank You” to everyone who donated money to help me meet my fundraising goal.
I will be blogging again at the latest once I’ve completed my event on June 7, 2009.
Tahoe here I come!
12:48 pm est
Weekend Training Rides 5/16/09 & 5/17/09Saturday, May 16,
2009: 85 miles, actually, it was
closer to 87. We travelled up through Ravine Lake, then into Peapack and Gladstone where we climbed up
the monster that is Fairmount. Then we headed toward Round Valley again, and this time I actually rode
up to and around the lake not suffering any bicycle breakdowns or bad weather. Coach Allison put Hunter
on the route at mile 77, so I was a bit nervous most of the day wondering if I would finally make it up Hunter. 3rd
time’s the charm was my mantra all day. The Southern New Jersey TNT team joined us this weekend, as most of our Montauk team mates were well on their
way for tomorrow’s Montauk Century. The weather was predicted to be stormy and I was hoping that
it would hold off for them for the duration of their ride. Even with the SNJ team joining us, we were a
notably smaller group of riders this week. I was fighting off an ear infection and had been on antibiotics all week, so I was feeling a little tired
at the beginning of the ride, but I was excited to be doing another 80+ miler. We started out in our normal location in Basking Ridge with a short detour around a town fair that
was also scheduled for May 16th. The SNJ coaches were very different from our coaches. A bit more involved in pace lining
and keeping together as a group. I learned quite a few new things from Coach Frank from the SNJ team and
from Gene who is also in training to be a coach for TNT. I never used my big chain ring so much as I did
on this ride. Frank had me switching into the largest chain ring to catch up with the group, when I was
well below 20mph. I found this worked quite well and will have to experiment more with this technique.
Frank wanted me to power up most of the hills, and I had to explain that powering up a hill was not happening at this
stage of my training. I was happy to make it up the hills without my heart rate going into zone 5.
Frank also suggested that I raise my seat as he didn’t think I was getting full leg extension on the hills.
Coach Natasha had recommended this several times during the season, and two bicycle shops said that they though my
seat was sized correctly. Coach Allison recommended I not make major changes this close to my event, and
Coach Marc said he thought past the sizing guidelines that most of it came down to personal preference. I was taking my bicycle into the shop for its last
maintenance this week, so I decided to have the seat raised, and I marked where it had been. If I hate
it or it hurts my legs too much to make the adjustment, I’ll move it back down. I’ll be riding
some short 20 milers during the week before next weekend’s ride, so I think I’ve got some time to see if it helps
me. I made the whole ride at 12.3mph
average. A little slower than normal, but the hills were very challenging and I had been feeling a little
tired at the onset of the ride due to the antibiotics. I made every single hill including Hunter at mile 77 and was feeling quite pleased with my progress. Coach Allison & Coach Marc said that
we’d start tapering next week and probably only do a 50-60 mile ride for our last team ride next Saturday May 23, 2009.
Coach Allison told me she thought I was really ready for Tahoe and that made me feel really good. I
have really improved tremendously since that first training ride back in January. I’m wishing all my Montauk teammates a successful ride and I’m starting
to get both nervous and excited about Tahoe being 3 weeks away.
12:46 pm est
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Weekend Training Rides - 5/9/09 & 5/10/09Saturday May 9,
2009 I was so happy that the rain held off, I was not looking forward to riding 80 miles in the rain. Coach Marc sent out an email broadcast to
the team on Thursday to prepare us; “We have a great ride planned.
We will be doing some of our favorite roads and we will be adding several new roads as we head out to Ringoes. So like
they say go west young man go west. We will bike across a one lane bridge as we enter Neshanic and flee market country, climb
into the wondrous Sourland mountains and all their legends, ride along the ridge and come down into Unionville winery
and then out to Ringoes. We will start our return on a longgg straight away rt 514 / old York / Amwell where we should
have a traditional tail wind so enjoy.” It really was a great route, beautiful countryside, lots of horse farms, lama farms and as for
that tail wind; it blew the other way and became a headwind. I was riding with 3 of my teammates on the
Montauk team for the whole day. We had a great time. Next Sunday is their event, so
this ride was my last long ride with them. I wish them success, and I know we’ll keep in touch and
run some short fun rides during the summer so we’ll get to see each other. They called me “hill girl” all day, and threatened to get me a cape.
I laughed and felt good about that all day. I was feeling good at mile 70 when we hit Lamington,
so I tore out over the rollers and maintained a 15.8mph - 18mph pace for the 4 miles approaching Liberty Corners.
I have only done the hill at Liberty Corners once before, and it’s a monster. I’m not
sure whether I just had nothing left from the Lamington roll, or whether I psyched myself out when I made the turn and remembered
the climb, but about ½ up the hill, I had to stop, drop and walk a bit to get my heart rate down. I
beat myself up pretty badly over that, but got back on the bicycle well before the top to finish slowly but surely.
So much for “hill girl”?! I finished in 6 hours and 19 minutes or an average of 13 mph for the whole ride. This
is real progress for me since that first training ride in January when I averaged 6.5 mph for a 10 mile ride.
I think I’ve got my food and hydration regimen down pretty good, no bonking, no headaches, and no stomach distress
at all. I even had leftovers which made me laugh, but gave me something to eat when I finished the ride and returned to my
car. Our
Lake Tahoe kickoff meeting is on May 21, 2009 and that’s when we pack up and leave our bicycles to the trucking company
for transport to our event. Next Saturday is our last long ride before Tahoe. I’ll
have to do a lot of work at the gym after the 21st as 2.5 weeks of tapering is going to be too long for me not
to be riding. If there’s a downside, it’s that we don’t have the weekend of Memorial
Day for one more 80 mile ride and I don’t have a 2nd bicycle to do an 80 miler on my own. I’m starting to get excited and a little nervous
about event day. I know I’m well trained. I would have never thought I’d be feeling this confident
six months ago when I signed up for this adventure. Sunday’s ride is cancelled due to Mother’s Day, and my next ride is a short one this
coming Wednesday. Coach Allison is the ride coach next Saturday and I’m hoping she goes with the
long ride instead of a shorter one. She seemed a bit concerned that another long ride next Saturday would
put us at 3 weeks of 75+ miles, so next Saturday’s ride will be a surprise for me. Whatever Coach
Allison brings, I’ll be ready!
7:34 pm est
Weekend Training Rides - 5/2/09 & 5/3/09Sunday 5/3/2009
20 mile recovery ride today and brunch at Coach Marc’s house following the ride was great except
for the rain. Route was beautiful; we rode along a canal the whole way up and back. Had
it not been for the pouring rain, I would have enjoyed the scenery a bit more. I do not like riding in
the rain. The bike gets dirty, you get dirty, and the rain just makes you cold. I was
much better prepared for this rain ride than my first rain ride, I had a better rain jacket and was not soaked through
my riding clothes when I returned to Coach Marc’s house. Coach Marc and his wife are great and offered
us hot showers, hot coffee, and a hot breakfast after the ride. The team watched videos from previous
TNT teams riding in Lake Tahoe and I had another opportunity to socialize outside the training rides and get to know my teammates
better. Montauk teammates are only two weeks away from their ride on Sunday May 17, 2009. It’s
very exciting to be closing in on event day’s but also a bit sad as we begin to say good bye to the spring/summer team
of 2009. Looking forward to next Saturday’s 80 miler. Saturday May 2, 2009
I cancelled my ride today because my puppy had to have
knee surgery. I picked her up on Friday and she was not able to walk on all fours, so I needed to stay
home with her to make sure she could get around. Prognosis is good, and she’ll be good as new in
about 4 weeks.
6:55 pm est